Cairn app privacy policy
Cairn and its parent, FitClimb LLC, ("Cairn" or the “Company”) offer a wilderness safety notification service, mapping, GPS tracking, display of other outdoor content such as where you might find a cell signal, and community-based services to users of (the "Website") and/or users of Cairn's mobile application (the "App") (collectively referred to as the “Services").This App is not directed to anyone younger than 13 and is offered only to users 13 years of age or older. Any person who provides their personal information through this network represents that they are 13 years of age or older.
The Short Version
Cairn will only share your personal information (e.g. your trip details/plans) with the safety contacts you select.
We will only track your location while you are using the app / when you have asked us to.
We do use anonymous metadata in averages to report points in the wilderness where users of Cairn found a cell signal. Names and any other identifiable features are not recorded or published.
If you are overdue from a trip and have not checked in, we’ll message your safety contacts via SMS or email.
Your safety contacts might share details with third parties. Especially if you're overdue and they contact search and rescue.
Communications to your safety contacts will include the email address or phone number of all specified safety contacts. We do this as a measure of safety to save time coordinating if you are overdue.
The Long Version
This Privacy Policy is incorporated as part of the Cairn Terms of Use (the "Terms of Use" or the "Terms").
Your use of the Services is subject to the Terms of Use, Copyright Policy and this Privacy Policy and indicates your consent to them.
The Services are not intended for use by persons under the age of 13.
In this Privacy Policy, the term "personal information" means any information collected by us or provided by you that, with reasonable efforts, may be used to identify you, which may include first and last name, email address, your location, auto information, cell phone number, and route information.
Contact Cairn
If you believe that your privacy has been abused in the course of using the Services, then please contact Cairn at:
Information that is being collected & shared
Cairn is a service for those venturing into the wilderness. We allow you to share details of your trip with contacts you select, track your location and other information, then notify contacts if you haven’t checked in. Through tracking your location and passing data to our server we ascertain cell phone reception and use this to display areas where users have found reception. Whenever you use the Services, Cairn will collect:-
Your intended destination, the date and time by which you intend to return, and other messages you wish to pass on to your safety contacts.
Your name and email address, Also the email addresses or phone numbers of the safety contacts that you select.
Your GPS location and device battery life while Cairn is active. This information is only collected during the time you request.
Information about your cell signal at different locations. Cairn helps you find spots in the wilderness where others have found coverage; we can only do this through community sharing.
Performance analytics data including crash reports.
Social Networks (future versions)
If you’ve signed up for Cairn with your social media account we may access your profile photo and email address. You can remove the social sign in by logging out and/or revoking access through the social network profile.
Emails we may send
Cairn allows you to opt out of announcements and we don’t send spam. Here’s the type of communication you can expect from us:
Announcements and notifications relating to your account and service.
Notifications of trip details sent to your safety contacts.
To contact you when Cairn thinks it’s necessary to resolve issues with your account, safety, or other.
Participating in any users' activities as a result, directly or indirectly, from using Cairn, is entirely at your own risk. Cairn is not a party to any agreement entered into between the users in any circumstances. The user has the sole and ultimate responsibility regarding his/her safety while using the app or in the wilderness. We do not accept any liability for any loss, damage, cost or expense that you may suffer or incur as a result of or in connection with your participation in any activity or event initiated, held or conducted by a user or a third party nor in connection to any agreement between the users or third parties, including any activity or event related in any way, directly or indirectly, the Services or the use thereof.
Sharing information with others
Cairn does not sell, rent or lease your personal information to third parties.
Cairn will not share your personal information with others, without your consent, except for the following purposes and to the extent necessary in Cairn's good-faith discretion:
As necessary for the operation of the Services. For example: With search and rescue authorities in the event your safety contacts report you overdue, in regards to incidents you report and which are associated with your username and your location;
If Cairn reasonably believes that you have breached the Terms of Use, or abused your rights to use the Services, or performed any act or omission that Cairn reasonably believes to be violating any applicable law, rules, or regulations. Cairn may share your information in these cases, with law enforcement agencies and other competent authorities and with any third party as may be required to handle any result of your wrongdoing;
If Cairn is required, or reasonably believes that it is required by law to share or disclose your information;
In any case of dispute, or legal proceeding of any kind between you and Cairn, or between you and other users with respect to, or in relation with the Services;
If Cairn organizes the operation of the Services within a different framework, or through another legal structure or entity, or if Cairn is acquired, which we’ll notify you of the privacy policy changes.
Controlling your personal information
Although we hate to see you go, if you would like us to delete your account, your username (if you have set one up) and your personal information, please contact us at and we will comply.
On receiving such a request, Cairn will make reasonable efforts to delete such information, however please note we may not delete information immediately from our back-up systems.
How does Cairn use aggregated information?
Cairn may use anonymous, statistical or aggregated information (including location and coverage information), in a form that does not enable the identification of a specific user, to properly operate the Services, to improve the quality of the Services, to enhance your experience, to create new services and features, including customized services, to change or cancel existing content or service, and for further internal, commercial and statistical purposes.
Cairn may also use anonymous, statistical or aggregated information collected on the Services, in a form that does not enable the identification of a specific user, by posting, disseminating, transmitting or otherwise communicating or making available such information to users of the Services, to the Services' providers, partners and any other third party. For example, GPS information that we receive from your mobile device may be provided to map cell coverage in an aggregated and/ or anonymous form to help improve the service.
Cairn may use cookies on the Services. Cookies are packets of information sent by the Website's servers to your web browser and then sent back by the browser each time it accesses the Website's servers.
Advertising campaigns
Cairn may permit, solicit or contract certain other companies to conduct advertising campaigns on the Services. The advertisements that you see when accessing the Services may be geographically or contextually targeted.
Information Security
Cairn considers information security to be a top priority. Cairn implements systems, applications and procedures to secure your personal information, to minimize the risks of theft, damage, loss of information, or unauthorized access or use of information. However, these measures are unable to provide absolute assurance. Therefore, although Cairn takes great efforts to protect your personal information, Cairn cannot guarantee and you cannot reasonably expect that the Cairn's databases will be immune from any wrongdoings, malfunctions, unlawful interceptions or access, or other kinds of abuse and misuse.
Changes to this Privacy Policy
Cairn may from time to time change the terms of this Privacy Policy. Substantial changes will take effect 10 days after Cairn has posted a:
Message to users notifying them of changes to the Privacy Policy
However, if Cairn amends this Privacy Policy to comply with legal requirements, the amendments will become effective immediately upon their initial posting, or as required.
You agree to be bound by any of the changes made in the terms of this Privacy Policy. Continuing to use the Services will indicate your acceptance of the amended terms. If you do not agree with any of the amended terms, you must avoid any further use of the Services.